Active Cryptocurrencies: 2116 | Active Exchanges: 234 | Total MarketCap $120,383,351,083.57 | BTC Dominance: 52.33% | ETH Dominance: 10.31%

Silicon Valley 2018

Date: February 15-18, 2018 | Organizer: d10e

City: East Palo Alto | Country: United States | Location: Four Seasons Hotel Silicon Valley

d10e will host Silicon Valley, one of its grand events, at Four Seasons Hotel Silicon Valley in East Palo Alto, California on February 15 to 18, 2018. This convention welcomes entrepreneurs and crypto investors to discuss the future of blockchain, ICO, and Fintech.

In partnership with Blockchain Investors Consortium and Blockchain Terminal, the four-day event will highlight presentations on ICO in finance, marketing, and regulations. More so, there will be networking opportunities for participants. The conference will also feature an ICO pitch competition in which the grand prize is US$100,000. On a lighter note, participants will have a chance to see the beautiful valleys of Sonoma and Napa. Apart from these activities, guests will have a one-on-one meeting with the d10e team.

Silicon Valley is the perfect event to gain knowledge of the growing technologies and is the best opportunity to connect with experts in the field. Aspiring attendees can now sign up to get their passes to exclusive networking opportunities, in-depth discussions, and more.


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